Friday, August 19, 2005

My Last Say on Casey Sheehan's Mother (I Hope)

I never, EVER thought I'd ever have anything to do with the Huffinton Post. But, I did. It seems Casey Sheehan's mother finally responded to all the accusations against her with a retort that was not very convincing to say the least. Saying it was not about her is very strange coming from a person who's had cameras surrounding her 24/7. Anyways, here is my comment, which I hope they'll allow to be posted:

"The issue is a disastrous war that's killing our sons and daughters and making our country less secure."

This issue is more than the war, Casey, as we have seen. We have you making statements that Israel must leave "Palestine" or even that our country "isn't worth fighting for". Also, you have done little to prevent the people in the news media from pointing the cameras at you and basically making it about you and having so many left-wing commentators like Maureen Dowd and Bill Press from making you into a celebrity.

Anyways, what really irritates me about what you have done is basically this:

Your son makes a decision based on his beliefs. They contradicted your own beliefs and you didn't want him to fight this "illegal war" in which he RE-enlisted to fight in. Then he dies, and I have my sincere condolences to you and your family. For a year after his death, you got to meet President Bush and you praised him, saying you felt happy again. Now, you claim that Bush "killed" your son, not focusing on the fact that it wasn't Bush who killed your son, but Terrorists. So, by your way of thinking, you believe that your son, a grown adult with his own values was not intelligent enough to know the risks. It seems to me that you are primarily upset merely not that your son died, even if it was something he believed in, but that he died for something you didn't.

That being said, I extend my wishes that your mother gets well.


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