Thursday, October 26, 2006

And Now... A Time for Civil Disobedience in Response to McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform

(Hat-Tip goes to Misha, The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.)

I believe that whatever the traffic that goes to my blog, I have to participate in an act of Civil Disobedience that is taking the blogosphere by storm. In this post, all you have to do is promote whatever candidate for any political office. Why am I allowing this? Because the McCain-Feingold bill is opposed to allowing supporters of candidates for a federal office from using soft money donations to fund ads 60 days before the general election. In essence, I believe this is an attack on the First Amendment rights of our citizens, as these so-called "soft money" groups are actually a way for less wealthy and politically active individuals to equalize their influence on candidates versus the more wealthy individual donors.

Also, the law is now being broadly interpreted as meaning that even posting a link to a preferred candidate may in fact be a violation. Just read this and see what I mean.

If this is considered a law, then I, as a free individual who chooses whether or not to consent to the laws, must refuse to recognize this one. It is a violation of Free Speech, and I will not let this stand any longer.

All are free to comment in the comments section of this particular post, and endorse any candidate regardless of political views or affiliation. No endorsement will be moderated or censored in any way. This is what America SHOULD be, and it may take many citizens of this country to disobey this law, shouting in one voice that no law in conflict with our Bill of Rights is a law worth obeying.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Zucker's New GOP Ad Should Be Put Up

(Hat-tip goes to Drudge)

David Zucker, Producer and Director of such films as Airplane!, Scary Movie 3 and 4, and my personal favorite, the Naked Gun films, has recently finished an ad for the GOP that he is hoping to get circulated on TV stations. Unfortunately, this video is seen as "over-the-top" by GOP strategists, and is currently not being distributed. What a shame.

Here is the video:

According to one GOP Strategist:

"Nobody could believe Zucker thought any political organization could use this ad. It makes a point, but it's way over the top."


What a pity. The truth is that this video, while showing the over-the-top comedy that made Zucker so famous in Hollywood, shows the intellectual and moral failing of the Democratic Party in dealing with terrorism as seen by so many Republicans and Conservatives. What these GOP strategists fail to see, either due to not understanding comedy, being spineless, or both, is that the over-the-top nature of this video is the very point of the film. One of the many weapons in Comedy is to show a flawed idea is to take it to its extreme logical conclusion and thus show the sillyness of the other side in doing so. This film shows EXACTLY what I see as wrong in the "Peace and Stability" crowd that infects the halls of Academia, the Democratic Party, and countless blowhard political talking-heads. And that is the reason, that despite the Foley scandal that's been shown on our TV screens on endless repeat, I will NOT choose to vote for Democrats in this coming election, and perhaps many elections to come. The GOP does indeed have its flaws, and I believe there is a desperate need for a change within the party with bringing less fire-and-brimstone religious Conservatives and RINOs who are for big government in the economic sector out of office. Despite that, their one strength is that they back this War for Civilization we are now fighting when so many are unwilling. Defense of our country of our civilization is the most important issue. It is a damn pity that whether or not to do so has become a heated debate, as opposed to debating on how to accomplish victory. Thankfully, people like Zucker, through their intellectual and artistic skill, show how the ultimate failure of those who made this unnecessary debate occur.
