My Thoughts on the Axis of Evil Summit at the UN Headquarters
Much coverage has been made about the recent speeches by presidents Dictators Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by the press and commentators. What is important is that we, while approving or disapproving of their words, understand exactly WHO they are. Leftists most likely will strongly agree with their statements against "American Imperialism". But, to paraphrase the oft-quoted statment, "The enemy of my enemy is not my friend." In Lou Minatti: The Chavez-Chomsky-Ahmadinejad Asshat Triad, Lou points out an obvious question: Do you hate George Bush and/or the United States so much that you want to side with these individuals?
This is exactly the thought that went through my head when I visited a local bookstore in Raleigh, The Reader's Corner, had one of Ahmadinejad's idiotic "letters" to President Bush. While one can merely debate the the merits or lack thereof concerning the arguments in the letter, one must at some point "Consider the Source", and possibly find the myriad of more decent people critical of the Bush Administration saying the exact same thing.
So, what makes these individuals so unsavory for those with some knowledge of who they are? Plenty. For instance, the beloved Ahmadinejad is well-known to have stated that the Holocaust was a myth and even was a major force in starting a cartoon contest whose focus was on the Holocaust being a hoax. That, included with his well-known mention of a desire to "wipe Israel off the map", makes many look behind the "Moderate", "Anti-Imperialist" facade and see a raging anti-Semite. While the left gives Mel "What do you think you're looking at, sugar tits?" Gibson hell for the things he said while drunk, it's amazing that they won't criticise what the Iranian Dictator said while sober. Wouldn't Ahmadinejad be more important, given that between him and Mr. Gibson, he has an army and nuclear weapons at his disposal to implement his sick dream and Mr. Gibson doesn't? As an aside note on Mr. Gibson, does it not surprise you that the two men also have the same opinion on the Iraq war now?
As for Hugo Chavez, it should be obvious. Under his populist mask, you see a conniving, slithering snake. He gives goodies like lower oil prices to Native American reservations and now Harlem, both places where the population is prone to bwe critical of the United States. But while the short-sighted will praise his kindness to these people, they will fail to see the political strategery behind it. More frighteningly, they will also fail to see his restructuring the Venezuelan government to gaurantee his victory in every election and make sure that any opposition to him on any political move is futile(Bugmenot Login). In fact, it can be said that he is the living example of the Left-Wing characature of George W. Bush. Such an observation is quite ironic, given that Casey Sheehan's mother, who blames Bush for her son's death and makes the same accusations towards Bush that Chavez is known to have in fact done, visited him to rally against US Imperialism.
The image of Mr. Chavez holding the book by Noam Chomsky is almost emblematic of the Left today. The political groups that used to stand for Universal Suffrage, Freedom of Speech without question, and Equal Opportunity have now been transformed to the groups that make excuses for, nay, back up Dictators, Terrorists, and other assorted thugs. It is sad to see behind almost every evil occuring in the world today, the Left is not far behind in their support or excuse-making of it. Mr. Rangel and Ms. Pelosi's half-hearted denunciations of what Mr. Chavez said may have softened the blow, but the point remains. Chomsky has many followers who will undoubtedly vote for and support Mr. Rangel and Ms. Pelosi when given the chance, and will also doubtlessly regard Mr. Chavez highly for the things he said last week. There is an important lesson to be learned in all of this. The company one keeps doesn reflect one's character. Like the Right and it's sad excuse-making for "anti-Communist" dictatorships that were no different than the enemy we were facing in the Cold War, the Left stands behind and makes excuses for some of the worst monsters of our time. Like I said earlier in this post, The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
This is exactly the thought that went through my head when I visited a local bookstore in Raleigh, The Reader's Corner, had one of Ahmadinejad's idiotic "letters" to President Bush. While one can merely debate the the merits or lack thereof concerning the arguments in the letter, one must at some point "Consider the Source", and possibly find the myriad of more decent people critical of the Bush Administration saying the exact same thing.
So, what makes these individuals so unsavory for those with some knowledge of who they are? Plenty. For instance, the beloved Ahmadinejad is well-known to have stated that the Holocaust was a myth and even was a major force in starting a cartoon contest whose focus was on the Holocaust being a hoax. That, included with his well-known mention of a desire to "wipe Israel off the map", makes many look behind the "Moderate", "Anti-Imperialist" facade and see a raging anti-Semite. While the left gives Mel "What do you think you're looking at, sugar tits?" Gibson hell for the things he said while drunk, it's amazing that they won't criticise what the Iranian Dictator said while sober. Wouldn't Ahmadinejad be more important, given that between him and Mr. Gibson, he has an army and nuclear weapons at his disposal to implement his sick dream and Mr. Gibson doesn't? As an aside note on Mr. Gibson, does it not surprise you that the two men also have the same opinion on the Iraq war now?
As for Hugo Chavez, it should be obvious. Under his populist mask, you see a conniving, slithering snake. He gives goodies like lower oil prices to Native American reservations and now Harlem, both places where the population is prone to bwe critical of the United States. But while the short-sighted will praise his kindness to these people, they will fail to see the political strategery behind it. More frighteningly, they will also fail to see his restructuring the Venezuelan government to gaurantee his victory in every election and make sure that any opposition to him on any political move is futile(Bugmenot Login). In fact, it can be said that he is the living example of the Left-Wing characature of George W. Bush. Such an observation is quite ironic, given that Casey Sheehan's mother, who blames Bush for her son's death and makes the same accusations towards Bush that Chavez is known to have in fact done, visited him to rally against US Imperialism.
The image of Mr. Chavez holding the book by Noam Chomsky is almost emblematic of the Left today. The political groups that used to stand for Universal Suffrage, Freedom of Speech without question, and Equal Opportunity have now been transformed to the groups that make excuses for, nay, back up Dictators, Terrorists, and other assorted thugs. It is sad to see behind almost every evil occuring in the world today, the Left is not far behind in their support or excuse-making of it. Mr. Rangel and Ms. Pelosi's half-hearted denunciations of what Mr. Chavez said may have softened the blow, but the point remains. Chomsky has many followers who will undoubtedly vote for and support Mr. Rangel and Ms. Pelosi when given the chance, and will also doubtlessly regard Mr. Chavez highly for the things he said last week. There is an important lesson to be learned in all of this. The company one keeps doesn reflect one's character. Like the Right and it's sad excuse-making for "anti-Communist" dictatorships that were no different than the enemy we were facing in the Cold War, the Left stands behind and makes excuses for some of the worst monsters of our time. Like I said earlier in this post, The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.